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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e247487, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345555


Abstract Worldwide, conventional agriculture makes extensive use of pesticides. Although the effects of herbicides are relatively well known in terms of environmental impacts on non-target organisms, there is very little scientific evidence regarding the impacts of herbicide residues on aquatic arthropods from tropical conservation areas. This study evaluates for the first time the toxicity of the herbicides ametryn, atrazine, and clomazone on the aquatic insect Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). The lethal concentration (LC50) of herbicides was evaluated for these insects, as well as the effect of the herbicides on the insects' tissues and testicles. The estimated LC50 was 1012.41, 192.42, and 46.09 mg/L for clomazone, atrazine, and ametryn, respectively. Spermatocyte and spermatid changes were observed under the effect of atrazine, and effects on spermatogenesis were observed for some concentrations of clomazone, with apparent recovery after a short time. Our results provide useful information on the effects of herbicide residues in aquatic systems. This information can help minimize the risk of long-term reproductive effects in non-target species that have been previously overlooked in ecotoxicology studies.

Resumo Em todo o mundo, a agricultura convencional faz uso extensivo de pesticidas. Embora os efeitos dos herbicidas sejam relativamente bem conhecidos em termos de impactos ambientais em organismos não-alvo, há pouca evidência científica sobre os impactos de resíduos de herbicidas em artrópodes aquáticos de áreas de conservação tropicais. Este estudo avalia pela primeira vez a toxicidade dos herbicidas ametryn, atrazine e clomazone sobre o inseto aquático Limnocoris submontandoni (Hemiptera: Naucoridae). A concentração letal (LC50) de herbicidas foi avaliada para esses insetos, bem como o efeito dos herbicidas nos tecidos e testículos dos insetos. A LC50 estimada foi de 1012,41, 192,42 e 46,09 mg/L para clomazone, atrazine e ametryn, respectivamente. Alterações nos espermatócitos e espermátides foram observadas sob o efeito de atrazine, e efeitos na espermatogênese foram observados para algumas concentrações de clomazone, com aparente recuperação após um curto período de tempo. Nossos resultados fornecem informações úteis sobre os efeitos de resíduos de herbicidas em sistemas aquáticos. Essas informações podem ajudar a minimizar o risco de efeitos reprodutivos de longo prazo em espécies não-alvo que foram negligenciadas anteriormente em estudos de ecotoxicologia.

Animals , Arthropods , Water Pollutants, Chemical/toxicity , Hemiptera , Herbicides/toxicity , Ecotoxicology , Genitalia
Estud. interdiscip. envelhec ; v. 27(n. 1 (2022)): 199-213, jan.2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1426847


A sexualidade é uma necessidade básica que permanece com o envelhecimento e está relacionada com a função sexual bem como com as percepções de imagem corporal e genital. Este estudo tem como objetivo verificar a associação entre função sexual e imagem corporal e autoimagem genital de idosas fisicamente ativas. Estudo de natureza quantitativa explicativa e retrospectiva com 132 idosas de um núcleo de atividade física. Utilizou-se uma ficha de avaliação adaptada, Índice de Função Sexual Feminina (FSFI), Body Appreciation Scale (BAS) e o Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS). A amostra apresentou indicativos de disfunção sexual (FSFI=18,8±12,7) bem como uma boa imagem corporal (BAS=4,8±0,4) e autoimagem genital (FGSIS=25,4±3). A função sexual esteve correlacionada com a autoimagem genital (r=0,231, p=0,008), e com a imagem corporal (r=0,978, p=0,000) e entre a autoimagem genital e a imagem corporal (r=0,389, p=0,000). Ao separar os domínios da função sexual, todos apresentaram correlação com a imagem corporal. Com a autoimagem genital, apenas a satisfação não apresentou correlação (r=0,131 e p=0,132). É relevante investigar os aspectos relacionados a sexualidade dos idosos pois podem interferir na qualidade de vida e bem-estar físico, psicológico e social.(AU)

Sexuality is a basic need that remains with aging and is related to sexual function as well as perceptions of the body and genital image. This study aims to verify the association between sexual function and body image and genital self-image of physically active elderly women. Quantitative, explanatory, and retrospective study with 132 elderly women from a physical activity center. An adapted evalua- tion form, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Body Appreciation Scale (BAS), and the Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS) were used. The sample showed signs of sexual dysfunction (FSFI = 18.8 ± 12.7) as well as a good body image (BAS = 4.8 ± 0.4) and genital self-image (FGSIS = 25.4 ± 3). Sexual function was correlated with genital self-image (r = 0.231, p = 0.008), and with body image (r = 0.978, p = 0.000) and between genital self-image and body image (r = 0.389, p = 0.000). When separating the domains of sexual function, all showed a correlation with body image. With genital self- image, satisfaction was not correlated (r = 0.131 and p = 0.132). It is relevant to investigate aspects related to the sexuality of the elderly as they can interfere with the quality of life and physical, psychological, and social well-being.(AU)

Female , Aged , Body Image , Aged , Sexuality , Genitalia , Motor Activity
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e243741, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1431125


Este artigo reflete sobre os modos como a cisnormatividade, conceito impulsionado pelos transfeminismos, tem auxiliado na composição da psicologia de maneira histórica. Ao elaborar uma crítica sobre como a violência de gênero está expressivamente presente no território brasileiro, discute-se como tem sido pensada a saúde mental, esfera que, uma vez inserida nesse contexto mais amplo, está sendo convocada a produzir saídas criativas em relação aos sujeitos que são alvo de discriminações transfóbicas. Na busca de deslocar o olhar do indivíduo para o social, foi realizado um estudo bibliográfico para investigar os diferentes impactos que a cisnormatividade opera em nossos currículos psicológicos, gerando efeitos na prática e na própria profissão. A aposta está em reconhecer outras epistemologias como projetos éticos e políticos a uma psicologia contemporânea, e a contribuição transfeminista a "outra" clínica. É nesse sentido que este trabalho se destina a pensar um modo de cuidado que esteja baseado na singularidade, mas que, ao mesmo tempo, seja capaz de dedicar alguma atenção ao paradigma normativo que nos guia como terapeutas.(AU)

This article reflects on the ways that cisnormativity, a concept boosted by transfeminisms, has played a historical role in the composition of psychology. Elaborating a criticism on how gender violence is expressively present in the Brazilian territory, we discuss how mental health is conceived, a sphere that, inserted in this wider context, is invited to create creative solutions related to the subjects who are the target of transphobic discrimination. Trying to shift the focus from the individual to the collective, a bibliographical study was conducted to recognize the different impacts that cisnormativity has in our psychological curriculums, having effects on the practice and on the profession itself. The goal is to recognize other epistemologies as ethical and political projects for contemporary psychology and the transfeminist contribution to "another" clinic. It is in this sense that this work aims to think about a form of care that is based on singularity, but that can also pay attention to the normative paradigm that guides us as therapists.(AU)

Este artículo reflexiona sobre las formas en que la cisnormatividad, un concepto impulsado por los transfeminismos, ha tenido un papel en la composición de la psicología de manera histórica. Al elaborar una crítica sobre como la violencia de género está expresamente presente en el territorio brasileño, se discute cómo se ha pensado la salud mental, dominio que, una vez insertado en este contexto más amplio, es convocado a producir soluciones creativas con relación a los sujetos que son objeto de discriminación transfóbica. Al desviar el enfoque del individuo hacia lo social, se realizó un estudio bibliográfico para investigar los diferentes impactos que tiene la cisnormatividad en nuestros planes de estudios psicológicos, generando efectos en la práctica y en la propia profesión. El foco está en reconocer otras epistemologías como proyectos éticos y políticos para la psicología contemporánea y la contribución transfeminista a una "otra" clínica. En este sentido, este trabajo pretende pensar en una forma de cuidado que se basa en la singularidad, al mismo tiempo que sea capaz de dedicar cierta atención al paradigma normativo que a nosotras nos guía como terapeutas.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Feminism , Sexism , Hospitals , Anxiety , Prejudice , Psychiatry , Psychoanalysis , Psychology, Social , Psychosexual Development , Religion , Reproduction , Reproductive and Urinary Physiological Phenomena , Science , Self Concept , Sex , Sexual Behavior , Sex Offenses , Social Adjustment , Social Change , Social Justice , Social Problems , Therapeutics , Transsexualism , Transvestism , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Biology , Body Image , Adaptation, Psychological , Sex Characteristics , Civil Rights , Cultural Diversity , Sexuality , Address , Heterosexuality , Dehumanization , Aggression , Racial Groups , Sexual Development , Reproductive Rights , Gender and Health , Mental Health Assistance , Existentialism , Femininity , Masculinity , Sex Reassignment Procedures , Sex Reassignment Surgery , Sexual Health , Homophobia , Transgender Persons , Social Norms , Help-Seeking Behavior , Gender Dysphoria , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Social Construction of Gender , Cisgender Persons , Gender Binarism , Androcentrism , Gender Stereotyping , Gender Studies , Freedom , Respect , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Intersex Persons , Psychosocial Intervention , Gender Equity , Gender Role , Genitalia , Health Disparate, Minority and Vulnerable Populations , Citizenship , Guilt , Hate , Hostility , Identity Crisis , Individuation , Morale
Horiz. enferm ; 34(1): 74-90, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427988


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los humanos son seres sexuados, gran parte de ellos mantienen una vida sexual activa y comienzan a una edad temprana; sin embargo, esto puede llegar a ser un problema si no se cuenta con una base óptima de educación sexual, ya que ésta fomenta el autoconocimiento de cada persona, permitiendo una vida sexual plena. OBJETIVO: Relacionar la educación sexual con la percepción de la satisfacción sexual y el conocimiento de los genitales externos del sexo opuesto en mujeres y hombres heterosexuales cis-género. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio cuantitativo observacional analítico transversal, mediante la clasificación de preguntas y respuestas estructuradas, cuantificables realizada a estudiantes cis heterosexuales entre 18 y 25 años. RESULTADOS: Los resultados de esta investigación demostraron las diversas edades de inicio de actividad sexual, cantidad de parejas sexuales y la percepción de la vida sexual actual de los encuestados, reflejando que la mayoría de los mismos comenzaron su vida sexual tempranamente y, sin embargo, mantenían una baja cantidad de parejas sexuales. Aun con estos condicionantes, los sujetos refieren mantener una buena satisfacción sexual, queriendo conservar su vida sexual actual. CONCLUSIONES: Aún se aprecia la brecha de conocimientos desde los distintos niveles de educación, asimismo, se puede evidenciar la poca investigación en relación con la satisfacción sexual que existe en Chile. Por otra parte, la importancia que posee el/la profesional matrón/a es fundamental en cada una de las variables estudiadas ya que, es el profesional más capacitado para abordar este ámbito.

INTRODUCTION: Humans are sexed beings, which many of them maintain an active sexual life and begin at an early age however, this could be a problem if there is not an optimal base of sexual education. OBJECTIVE: To relate sexual education with the perception of sexual satisfaction and knowledge of the external genitalia of the opposite sex in cis-gender heterosexual women and men. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cross-sectional analytical observational quantitative study, through the classification of structured questions and answers, quantifiable carried out to cis heterosexual students between 18 and 25 years. RESULTS: The results of this research, demonstrated the different ages of initiation of sexual activity, number of sexual partners and the perception of the current sexual life of the respondents, reflecting that most of the respondents began their sexual life early, however they maintained a low number of sexual partners, even so these refer to maintain a good sexual satisfaction wanting to maintain their current sexual life. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge gap between the different levels of education is still evident, as well as the lack of research on sexual satisfaction in Chile. On the other hand, the importance of the professional midwife is fundamental in each of the variables studied, since he/she is the most qualified professional to address this area.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sexuality , Genitalia
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(4): 915-937, oct.-dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405682


RESUMEN Introducción: El SARS-CoV-2 puede afectar el sistema reproductivo de hombres y mujeres. Objetivo: Describir las probables afectaciones de la COVID-19 sobre el sistema reproductor. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en Google Académico (, PubMed Central (, SciELO ( e Infomed (, con los descriptores COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 y sistema reproductor sacados de DeCS - Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud en Se seleccionaron artículos disponibles a texto completo en español e inglés, de revistas revisadas por pares y páginas de organizaciones sanitarias reconocidas. Conclusiones: La presencia del receptor de la enzima convertidora de la angiotensina 2 (ACE2) y de proteasas celulares en el sistema reproductor provoca afectaciones por la COVID-19 de diverso grado, más marcados en los hombres. Parece poco probable que el virus se transmita por vía sexual. La afectación del sistema reproductor pudiera tener implicaciones clínicas importantes para la fertilidad, la descendencia y la transmisión del virus. Se requieren más investigaciones con muestras más representativas para evaluar la magnitud del daño y el impacto a largo plazo de la COVID-19 sobre el sistema reproductor humano.

ABSTRACT Introduction: SARS-CoV-2 can affect the reproductive system of men and women. Objective: to describe the probable effects of COVID-19 on the reproductive system. Methods: a literature review was carried out in Google Scholar (, PubMed Central (, SciELO ( and Infomed (, with the descriptors COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and reproductive system taken from DeCS -Health Sciences Descriptors at Articles from peer-reviewed journals and websites of recognized health organizations available in full text in Spanish and English languages were selected. Conclusions: the presence of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor and cellular proteases in the reproductive system causes affectations of varying degrees, more marked in men. It seems unlikely that the virus is transmitted sexually. Reproductive system involvement could have important clinical implications for fertility, offspring, and virus transmission. Further research with more representative samples is required to assess the extent of damage and the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the human reproductive system.

COVID-19/transmission , Genitalia
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 340-344, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407784


Resumen El linfogranuloma venéreo (LGV) es una infección de transmisión sexual (ITS) causada por Chlamydia trachomatis. En los últimos años, ha emergido principalmente en hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH). Es frecuente su asociación con otras ITS como el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la sífilis. Si bien el compromiso genital es la forma de presentación clásica, el síndrome anorrectal constituye el principal cuadro clínico en la actualidad. Presentamos el caso de un HSH con infección por VIH en terapia anti-retroviral, herpes genital recurrente y sífilis latente tratada, sin viajes recientes al extranjero, con adenopatías inguinales fistulizadas a piel, asociada a una úlcera genital dolorosa, sin síntomas anorrectales ni sistémicos, refractario a múltiples tratamientos antibacterianos y antivirales. El estudio con RPC de secreción de la fístula fue positiva a C. trachomatis. Se trató con doxiciclina por seis semanas, con buena respuesta clínica, sin complicaciones.

Abstract Lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. In the past years, it has emerged as a relevant infectious agent, mainly affecting men who have sex with men (MSM), frequently associated with other sexually transmitted infections as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and syphilis. Even though genital lesions correspond to the classical presentation of LGV, nowadays anorectal syndrome is more frequently reported. We present a MSM patient, HIV infected, being treated with antiretroviral drugs, with a history of recurrent genital herpes, also recently treated for a syphilis in a latent stage. He had no recent trips. He referred inguinal fistulized enlarged lymph nodes, associated with a painful genital ulcer, he denied anorectal or systemic symptoms. He had been treated with multiple antibiotic and antiviral drugs, with no clinical response. Molecular studies from the content of the fistulized lymph node identified C. trachomatis. The patient received doxycycline for 6 weeks, showing good clinical response.

Humans , Male , Adult , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/complications , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/diagnosis , Lymphogranuloma Venereum/drug therapy , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Syphilis/complications , Syphilis/diagnosis , Syphilis/drug therapy , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/drug therapy , Chile , Chlamydia trachomatis , Doxycycline/therapeutic use , Homosexuality, Male , Genitalia/pathology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 12(1)jan., 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417288


INTRODUÇÃO: A fotobiomodulação associada a cosméticos despigmentantes e rejuvenescedores tem mostrado benefícios na melhora da flacidez e hiperpigmentação genital em mulheres. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do estudo foi descrever a percepção de profissionais acerca da melhora de flacidez e hiperpigmentação genital tratados por fotobiomodulação associada a cosméticos. MÉTODO: O estudo evidenciou percepção de melhora no aspecto geral, flacidez e pigmentação genital com uso da terapêutica proposta. RESULTADOS: Amostra composta por dez mulheres submetidas a quatro sessões de tratamento. A análise dos profissionais foi mediante a comparação dos registos fotográficos de antes e depois do tratamento da região genital. CONCLUSÃO: No entanto, é necessário que novos modelos de avaliação para evidenciar a efetividade terapêutica para tratamentos de flacidez e discromias na região genital sejam desenvolvidos ampliando assim os métodos de avaliação para além da percepção de melhora do aspecto geral.

INTRODUCTION: Photobiomodulation associated with depigmenting and rejuvenating cosmetics has shown benefits in improving sagging and genital hyperpigmentation in women. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to describe the perception of professionals about the improvement of sagging and genital hyperpigmentation treated by photobiomodulation associated with cosmetics. METHOD: The study showed a perception of improvement in the general appearance, sagging and genital pigmentation with the use of the proposed therapy. RESULTS: Sample composed of ten women submitted to four treatment sessions. The analysis of the professionals was by comparing the photographic records of before and after the treatment of the genital region. CONCLUSION: However, it is necessary that new evaluation models to evidence the therapeutic effectiveness for treatments of flaccidity and dyschromias in the genital region are developed, thus expanding the evaluation methods beyond the perception of improvement in the general aspect.

Cosmetics , Pigmentation , Genitalia
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e238180, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278486


Urinary tract infections are responsible for most human infections, these are caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa and associated microorganisms. The goal of this study was to determine the rate of vaginal infection-causing agents in routine cytological exams and also to evaluate the characteristics of positive tested Pap smears. A retrospective documental with descriptive aspect research was performed in a Clinical Pathology laboratory from Maceió-AL. The results of the Pap smears exams for Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp and HPV were arranged in a database as well as other data such as bacterial, protozoan, fungal and viral coinfections. The sample was composed by 18.645 women who have undergone Pap smear exams from 2013 to 2017. Of these analyzed exams, 27.4% in 2013, 10.9% in 2014, 10.6% in 2015, 15.2% in 2016 and 13.67% in 2017 were within normal range, however more than half of these exams presented some infections caused by unspecific or microbiological agents. By analyzing all the reports, 4.073 (21.84%) presented inflammations caused by some species of infectious agent with the following rate order: G. vaginalis and T. vaginalis. Furthermore, it was possible to confirm high rates of coinfection by and Candida spp. The rate of genital infections in this study highlights that there is a public health matter that must be controlled, which points a greater need for monitoring, guidance and actions towards greater awareness in order to prevent these problems.

Infecções do trato urinário são responsáveis pela maior parte das infecções humanas, sendo causadas por bactérias, fungos, protozoários, e por microrganismos associados. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a frequência de agentes causadores de infecções vaginais nos exames citológicos de rotina, bem como avaliar as características dos esfregaços positivos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa do tipo documental retrospectiva de aspecto descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, em um Laboratório de Patologia Clínica de Maceió-AL. Nesse sentido, os resultados dos exames colpocitológicos para Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida spp e HPV foram organizados em um banco de dados, contendo os resultados para estes agentes, bem como a coinfecção bacteriana, protozoária, fúngica e viral. A amostra foi composta por 18.645 mulheres que realizaram exame colpocitológico, no período de 2013 a 2017. Destes exames analisados 27,4% em 2013, 10,9% em 2014, 10,6% em 2015, 15,2% em 2016 e 13,67% em 2017, estavam dentro do limite da normalidade, porém mais que a metade desses exames analisados apresentou algumas infecções causadas por agentes inespecíficos ou microbiológicos. Do total de laudos analisados, 4.073 (21,84%), apresentaram inflamações causadas por algum tipo de agente infeccioso, com a seguinte ordem de frequência: G. vaginalis, e T. vaginalis. Além disto, foi possível confirmar a elevada frequência de coinfecção entre G. vaginalis e Candida spp. Os índices de infecções genitais nesse trabalho mostram que há um problema de saúde pública que deve ser controlado, apontando uma necessidade maior de acompanhamento, orientações e de ações para uma maior conscientização para prevenir esses problemas.

Humans , Female , Urinary Tract Infections , Papanicolaou Test , Vaginal Smears , Retrospective Studies , Genitalia
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19264, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374563


Abstract This study investigates the toxic effects of ethanol (Eth) on the reproductive system of male rats and the possible protective role of Silybum marianum seeds-infused solution (SMI) over six consecutive weeks of administration. Animals were divided into the following groups: control, SMI positive control (200 mg/kg/day), Eth1 (1 g/kg/day), Eth2 (2 g/kg/day), Eth1+SMI, and Eth2+SMI. Plasma testosterone concentration, epididymal spermatozoa biology, and testicular and epididymal MDA, GSH and GPx levels were evaluated. The results indicated a significant decrease in testis and epididymis weight, testosterone level, sperm concentration, sperm vitality and sperm motility (total motility, progressive motility, curvilinear velocity, straight-line velocity, velocity average path, beat cross frequency, and lateral head displacement) in both Eth1 and Eth2 compared to the control groups and the combined-treatment groups (Eth1+SMI and Eth2+SMI). Furthermore, results showed a significant elevation in MDA concentration with a significant decrease of testicular and epididymal GSH concentration and GPx activity in theEth1 and Eth2 groups compared to the combined-treatment groups. The administration of SMI succeeded in improving the parameters cited above in the combined-treatment groups compared to the Eth1 and Eth2 groups, and bring them to the levels seen in the control groups. To conclude, SMI has clearly protected reproductive indices against ethanol-induced reprotoxicity in male rats

Animals , Male , Rats , Milk Thistle/anatomy & histology , Ethanol/adverse effects , Seeds/adverse effects , Spermatozoa/classification , Testis , Toxicity , Genitalia/drug effects
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eRC6541, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360395


ABSTRACT Acute vulvar ulcer (Lipschütz's ulcer) is a rare lesion with local hyperimmunoreactivity triggered by infection, which is characterized by acute, painful, and necrotic ulcerations. This condition is usually found in non-sexually active adolescents, and it resolves spontaneously. We report a case of a 35-year-old woman who was diagnosed with COVID-19 who did not have severe symptoms, but had high levels of D-dimer for 9 days. The COVID-19 diagnosis was followed by the appearance of an acute, necrotic, extremely painful vulvar ulcer, although symptoms caused by COVID-19 had improved. We emphasize the importance of the differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as Behçet's syndrome, Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as the presence of viruses that generally trigger Lipschütz's ulcer, such as Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. No treatment is usually necessary, however, in the present report due to the pain experienced by the patient, we successfully used oral prednisone.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/drug therapy , Epstein-Barr Virus Infections , COVID-19 , Ulcer/drug therapy , Herpesvirus 4, Human , COVID-19 Testing , SARS-CoV-2 , Genitalia
Afr. J. reprod. Health (online) ; 26(4): 1-10, 2022-06-03. Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1381433


The Life Orientation subject at school is meant to equip learners with important life skills and prepare them to be responsible adults that will contribute positively to the economy of the country. One of such skills is to avoid pregnancy while being a learner and therefore needs information about sex and sexuality. The school curriculum should thus include the subject Reproductive Health Care and the teachers be allowed the responsibility to teach the subject. Teenage girls who become pregnant as learners are in many times compelled to drop out of school to raise the child as it becomes challenging to cope with studies and looking after the baby. The study used a qualitative exploratory research design aimed to determine the impact of the responsibility of teachers regarding reproductive healthcare to teenage learners. The objectives were to, explore the knowledge of school teachers with regard to reproductive healthcare. To explore and describe the views of the teachers with regard to their responsibility to teach the reproductive healthcare topic to teenage girls. Lastly, to develop guidelines for schools to assist teachers regarding their responsibility to teach the reproductive healthcare topic to teenage girls. The article will report on the first two objectives only. Indepth focus group interviews were conducted with twenty willing participants and a narrative questionnaire was completed. The data analysis method used was the spiral method which follows the process of coding and categorising transcribed data. The processallows data to be organised and setting it for several times so as to get a sense of the whole. identifying general categories and themes of the data is the next step followed by integrating and summarising the data to get a response to the research question. Data analysis results were teachers who felt burdened with the responsibility. Some had a positive opinion of the subject as part of the school curriculum and thus the need for stakeholder collaboration for their assistance. In conclusion, teachers are in need of empowerment for the responsibility to teach reproductive healthcare. (Afr J Reprod Health 2022; 26[4]: 82-91).

Teaching , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , School Teachers , Social Responsibility , Allied Health Personnel , Genitalia
Asian Journal of Andrology ; (6): 176-179, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928521


Genital dissatisfaction is well known in female and adults. Less is known about male adolescents and their genital satisfaction. The aim of this study was to investigate and report the role of surgery in male adolescents to improve the evaluation of their genitalia. We considered all patients treated for external genital pathology in the period of adolescence. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were created. Patients underwent an evaluation test before and after surgery. During the study period, 137 patients were treated, and at the end of the study, 98 cases were considered for analysis. The most frequent pathologies were webbed penis and penile curvature. A postoperative score improvement was noted and patients with concealed penis and webbed penis showed a better postoperative outcome. Overweight was considered an important factor associated with a worse preoperative score. Evaluation of the external genitalia is important in adolescents, and it is an understudied problem. Overweight may be associated with a worse evaluation of one's genital and should be clinically considered to avoid related social problems in adulthood. Therefore, cosmetic genital surgery should be considered even in male adolescents.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Genital Diseases, Male/surgery , Genitalia , Overweight , Penile Diseases , Penis/surgery
Asian Journal of Andrology ; (6): 56-61, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928512


Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection is the most prevalent sexually transmitted bacterial disease worldwide. However, unlike that in female infertility, the role of CT infection in male infertility remains controversial. The objective of this retrospective study was to explore the impacts of CT infection in the genital tract on sperm quality, sperm acrosin activity, antisperm antibody levels, and inflammation in a large cohort of infertile males in China. A total of 7154 semen samples were collected from infertile male subjects, 416 of whom were CT positive (CT+ group) and 6738 of whom were CT negative (CT- group), in our hospital between January 2016 and December 2018. Routine semen parameters (semen volume, pH, sperm concentration, viability, motility, morphology, etc.), granulocyte elastase levels, antisperm antibody levels, and sperm acrosin activity were compared between the CT+ and CT- groups. Our results showed that CT infection was significantly correlated with an abnormally low semen volume, as well as an increased white blood cell count and granulocyte elastase level (all P < 0.05) in the semen of infertile males; other routine semen parameters were not negatively impacted. The antisperm antibody level and sperm acrosin activity were not affected by CT infection. These findings suggested that CT infection might contribute to inflammation and hypospermia but does not impair sperm viability, motility morphology, and acrosin activity or generate antisperm antibodies in the infertile males of China.

Female , Humans , Male , Chlamydia trachomatis , Genitalia , Infertility, Male/epidemiology , Inflammation/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Semen , Spermatozoa
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353116


Nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear e diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear: a respeito de um caso RELATO DE CASOMaria Isabel Muniz Zemero1, Maria Amélia Lopes dos Santos1, Alena Margareth Darwich Mendes1, Carla Andrea Avelar Pires1,O nevo epidérmico verrucoso inflamatório linear (NEVIL) é uma variedade clínica rara de nevo epidérmico verrucoso, que se manifesta no início da infância, como lesões inflamatórias de superfície ceratósica, que coalescem e se distribuem em faixa, acompanhando as linhas de Blaschko. Faz diagnóstico diferencial com a psoríase linear, sendo difícil a diferenciação, dado os aspectos clínicos e histopatológicos comuns aos dois, enfantizando-se a necessidade de conhecer as características específicas de cada um. O objetivo deste relato é demonstrar uma afecção relativamente rara, descrita em uma menina de 5 anos, evoluindo desde os primeiros dias de vida com placas papuloceratósicas dispostas linearmente, acompanhadas de sinais inflamatórios e áreas erosadas ocupando grandes lábios, períneo e face interna e superior da coxa esquerda. Também pápulas e placas ceratósicas na região cervical posterior e borda lateral externa da planta do pé esquerdo, ascendendo ao longo da região posterior deste membro. Os critérios clínicos e histopatológicos corroboram o diagnóstico de NEVIL na diferenciação com a psoríase linear, ressaltando a importância do estabelecimento de critérios/ ferramentas que auxiliem na diferenciação destas duas dermatoses visando agilizar o diagnóstico, otimizar o tratamento e minimizar o desconforto para esses pacientes. O acompanhamento a longo prazo dos portadores é sugerido pela possibilidade ainda que mínima de malignização do NEVIL. (AU)

Inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus and differential diagnosis with linear psoriasis: about a caseCASE REPORTMaria Isabel Muniz Zemero1, Maria Amélia Lopes dos Santos1, Alena Margareth Darwich Mendes1, Carla Andrea Avelar Pires1,Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus (ILVEN) is a rare clinical variety of verrucous epidermal nevus that manifests in early childhood as inflammatory lesions of keratosis surface, which coalesce and spread in band, following Blaschko lines. It makes a differential diagnosis with Linear Psoriasis; it is difficult to differentiate them given the clinical and histopathological aspects common to both, emphasizing the need to know the specific characteristics of each. The purpose of this report is to demonstrate a relatively rare affection, expressed in a 5-year-old girl, evolving from the first days of life with papulokeratosic plaques arranged linearly, followed by inflammatory signs and eroded areas, placed linearly, overtaking labia majora, perineum, the inner and upper face of the left thigh. Also, the patient showed keratotic papules and plaques in the posterior cervical region and external lateral border of the left foot plant, ascending along the posterior region of this limb. The clinical and histopathological criteria corroborate the diagnosis of ILVEN in differentiation with linear psoriasis, emphasizing the importance of establishing criteria/instruments to assist in distinguishing these two dermatoses in order to expedite the diagnosis, to optimize the treatment and minimize patients' discomfort. Long-term follow-up of patients with this disease is suggested due to the possibility, albeit minimal, of ILVEN malignancy. (AU)

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Psoriasis , Skin Diseases , Diagnosis, Differential , Ectromelia , Nevus, Sebaceous of Jadassohn/diagnosis , Genitalia/pathology , Keratosis
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 30(4): 286-292, 15/12/2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1369058


Introduction Although there is an increasing experience in the management of transgender individuals, this has not been thoroughly explored in children. The need to establish a comprehensive and transdisciplinary management is of critical importance. In order to solve this issue, we want to report the results of a cohort of individuals with gender dysphoria (GD) seen by our transdisciplinary group from a social and clinical and health access perspective. Methods A 10-year retrospective case series of all patients that had been seen by our transdisciplinary team was reviewed. The main demographic characteristics were described, as well as impact variables in terms of diagnosis and treatment of these individuals. A social description of each individual was described. Frequency, distribution, and central tendency measures were evaluated for data presentation. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 24.0 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) software was used. Results Four cases of GD were included. Three had male to female dysphoria and one female to male. The median reported age of GD awareness was 6 years old (between 4 and 8 years old), and the median time between GD awareness and the 1st medical evaluation was 7 years for all individuals. The median age at gender role expression was 12 years old (between 10 and 14 years old). All patients had already assumed their experienced gender role before the 1st evaluation by our group. The median age at the 1st evaluation by our group was 13 years old (between 10 and 16 years old); three of the patients were evaluated after initiation of puberty. In the present study, individuals with GD demonstrated having health care access barriers for their transition process. Referral times are high, and individuals with GD are cared after pubertal development, which is related to suboptimal outcomes. The spectrum of GD is broad, and management must be individualized according to expectations. Conclusion Individuals with GD face multiple access barriers that limit their possibility of being seen by a transdisciplinary team. This reflects in longer waiting times that negatively impact medical management. Gender dysphoria is a wide spectrum, and individuals should be evaluated individually by a transdisciplinary team.

Introducción En las ultimas décadas se ha ganado más experiencia en el manejo de individuos con disforia de genero (DG). Sin embargo, en la población pediátrica esto aun no se ha explorado completamente. La necesidad de ofrecer un manejo cuidadoso y transdisciplinario es de gran importancia. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la experiencia de nuestro grupo transdisciplinario (GT) en el abordaje de pacientes con DG desde el punto de vista medico y social. Materiales y métodos Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los casos de DG en menores de 18 años tratados en los últimos 10 años por el GT de Desórdenes del Desarrollo e Identidad Sexual. Se usaron medidas de frecuencia y tendencia central para la presentación de datos mediante el programa SPSS, versión 24.0. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables: familia y dinámica social; evaluación psiquiátrica; expectativas; barreras de acceso; y abordaje del GT. Resultados Se presentan cuatro casos de DG, tres hombre-mujer y uno mujer-hombre. La edad a la primera sensación de disforia (PSD) fue en promedio 5,7 años, y el tiempo medio entre la PSD y la primera evaluación médica (PEM) fue de 6,25 años. La edad promedio a la primera evaluación por el grupo (PEG) fue de 13,25 años; 3 individuos tenían pubertad avanzada y 1, incipiente. Dos individuos habían recibido atención médica antes de la PEG. Se identificó que, al momento de la valoración por el grupo, los individuos contaban con el apoyo de sus familiares, y el entorno escolar era cada vez más incluyente; en ninguno se identificó enfermedad psiquiátrica, y a todos se indicó acompañamiento por psicoterapia. La expectativa con el proceso fue heterogénea con respecto a procedimientos quirúrgicos, manejos hormonales y rol de género, dependiendo de las características físicas que generaban disforia (caracteres sexuales secundarios, genitales). Las barreras de acceso fueron el desconocimiento de los especialistas en primeras valoraciones y las administrativas. La decisión del grupo con respecto al manejo hormonal y quirúrgico, así como acompañamiento psicológico se individualizó para cada paciente. Conclusiones Los individuos con DG presentan barreras de acceso a soporte médico para su proceso de transición. Los tiempos de atención son prolongados; por ende, son atendidos después de desarrollar la pubertad, lo cual se relaciona con desenlaces subóptimos. El espectro de la DG es amplio y se debe individualizar el manejo según las expectativas.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Sex Characteristics , Gender Dysphoria , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Therapeutics , Puberty , Environment , Transgender Persons , Gender Role , Genitalia , Mental Disorders
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 33: 1-9, dez.30, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280958


Introduction: HPV infection causes cancer at several anatomical sites. However, the infection's natural history in non-cervical sites is understudied. Objective: To evaluate oral and anogenital HPV infections, correlating HPV prevalence rates and genotypes with site of infection and risk factors. Methods: In the present study, 351 samples from oral, genital, and anal sites of 117 patients were investigated by using PCR MY09/11 detection, followed by genotyping with RFLP. Results: HPV DNA prevalence was 89.7% (105/117) in genital lesions, 53.8% (63/117) in oral samples, and 58.9% (69/117) in anal samples. Regarding the risk factors associated with HPV in genital lesions, statistically significant rates for oral (p=0.039) and anal sex practices (p=0.0000012) were found. For oral samples, a relevant correlation concerning oral contraceptive use (p=0.039), tobacco smoking (p=0.036), and alcohol use (p=0.0075) were observed; whereas in anal samples, higher risk for HPV infection in patients who reported non-exclusive sexual partners (p=0.013) were found. The presence of viral DNA in all the three sites concurrently was observed in 36.8% of the cases (43/117). Among them, 18% (21/117) presented concordant HPV genotypes, diverging from the literature, and thus corroborating that there is still much to learn about HPV natural history, since different biological behaviors are expected within different populations. Differences in anatomy and physiology of the studied sites can determine different prevalence rates of infection by diverse genotypes. Conclusion: Due to the high prevalence of HPV DNA in extragenital sites, further studies are required to define aspects of HPV natural history among different human anatomical sites.

Introdução: As infecções causadas pelos papilomavírus humanos (HPV) são responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento de cânceres em diversos sítios anatômicos humanos. Entretanto, a história natural da infecção em sítios que não a cérvice uterina não é muito clara. Objetivo: Avaliar infecções orais, genitais e anais por HPV, correlacionando taxas de prevalência do vírus e seus genótipos aos sítios de infecção e a fatores de risco sócio-demográficos. Métodos: Em nosso estudo, investigamos 351 amostras coletadas dos sítios oral, genital e anal de 117 pacientes, por meio da técnica de PCR MY09/11, seguida de genotipagem por RFLP. Todos os pacientes apresentavam lesões genitais benignas. Resultados: A prevalência do HPV foi de 89,7% (105/117) nas lesões genitais, 53,8% (63/117) nas amostras orais e 58,9% (69/117) nas amostras anais. Em relação aos fatores de risco associados à infecção genital, encontramos diferenças estatísticas significativas para prática de sexo oral (p=0,039) e sexo anal (p=0,0000012). Já para as amostras orais, observamos importante correlação entre infecção e uso de contraceptivo oral (p=0,039), tabagismo (p=0,036) e uso de álcool (p=0,0075) enquanto nas amostras anais, alto risco de infecção pelo HPV foi associado a pacientes relatando parceiros sexuais não exclusivos (p=0,013). A presença do DNA viral simultaneamente nos três sítios estudados foi observada em 36,8% dos casos (43/117). Desses, 18% (21/117) apresentaram genótipos concordantes, diferindo da literatura, na qual há grande disparidade de descrições. Conclusão: Há a necessidade de novos estudos a fim de esclarecer a história natural do HPV em sítios extragenitais em diferentes populações, avaliando características anatômicas e fisiológicas com o intuito de esclarecer diferentes taxas de infecção por genótipos do HPV e diferentes processos de doença.

Humans , Papillomavirus Infections , Reproductive Tract Infections , Neoplasms , Sexual Behavior , Sexual Partners , Genitalia
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e51900, Feb.11, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368267


Descriptive, quasi experimental study with pre and post-test, which aimed to investigate the effects of Water Pilates (PA) on urinary incontinence, genital self-image and sexual function of elderly women. The sample consisted of seventeen elderly women aged 60 years or over, from a city in the interior of Rio Grande do Sul. The International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire -Short Form (ICIQ-SF) was used as instruments to assess the impact of UI in quality of life and qualify urinary loss, the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) to assess sexual function and Female Genital Self-Image Scale (FGSIS) to assess women's perception of their own genitalia. The PA protocol was performed twice a week for 50 minutes performed for eight weeks, totaling 16 sessions. The protocol was divided into warm-up, strengthening exercises and stretching. It was observed that the sample was composed ofyoung elderly women (69.5 ± 5.9 years), overweight and with low FSFI and FGSIS scores. There was no significant change in the mean values before and after the intervention of the ICIQ-SF, FGSIS and FSFI scores. It was concluded that the PA method had no effect on urinary loss, sexual function and genital self-image.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Urinary Incontinence/therapy , Women , Body Image , Aged/physiology , Exercise Movement Techniques/methods , Aquatic Therapy/methods , Quality of Life , Sexual Dysfunction, Physiological/therapy , Exercise/physiology , Sexuality/physiology , Genitalia/physiology
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 335-342, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153364


The species of Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) and P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) has been studied in the present study. The female can be differentiated from the male by the absence of the cephalic penis and a complicated genital aparatus visible through the mantle skirt in both the sexes. In other aspects of the external features of female are quite to males. In both species the digestive system was similar with few differences in structure between each other. It consists of buccal mass, proboscis, salivary glands, accessory salivary glands, oesophagus, stomach, intestine, rectum and anus. The nervous system in both P. cochlidium and P. erecta is constituted by six ganglia which forms the circumoesophgeal ganglionic ring. Among the neogastropods there is a similarity in the organization of the reproductive systems. The female reproductive system is more complicated than that of male. The sexes are separated in these two species. The gross morphology of the reproductive system of P. cochlidium and P. erecta was almost similar. The present study aims to describe the digestive system, nervous system and reproductive system of two gastropods species P. cochlidium and P. erecta.

As espécies de Pugilina cochlidium (Linnaeus, 1758) e P. erecta (Vermeij & Raben, 2009) foram tomadas no presente estudo. A fêmea pode ser diferenciada do macho pela ausência do pênis cefálico e um complicado complexo genital visível através da saia do manto em ambos os sexos. Em outros aspectos das características externas da fêmea são bastante semelhantes aos dos machos. Em ambas as espécies, o sistema digestivo era semelhante, com poucas diferenças de estrutura entre si. Consiste em massa bucal, probóscide, glândulas salivares, glândulas salivares acessórias, esôfago, estômago, intestino, reto e ânus. O sistema nervoso em P. cochlidium e P. erecta é constituído por seis gânglios que formam um anel ganglionar circunoesofágico. Entre os neogastrópodes, há uma semelhança na organização dos sistemas reprodutivos. O sistema reprodutivo feminino é mais complicado que o masculino. Os sexos são separados nessas duas espécies. A morfologia macroscópica do sistema reprodutivo de P. cochlidium e P. erecta foi quase similar. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever o sistema digestivo, sistema nervoso e sistema reprodutivo de duas espécies, P. cochlidium e P. erecta.

Animals , Male , Female , Digestive System/anatomy & histology , Gastropoda/anatomy & histology , Genitalia/anatomy & histology , Nervous System/anatomy & histology , Salivary Glands , Bays , India
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e228578, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1346780


A intersexualidade ainda é considerada uma deformidade patológica, bem como é alvo de intervenções cirúrgicas corretivas que visam enquadrar pessoas intersexos nos padrões binários de sexo, gênero e orientação sexual socialmente aceitos. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os sentidos produzidos por intersexos às intervenções cirúrgicas de designação sexual e suas consequências, ainda que não tenham realizado procedimentos cirúrgicos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de corte transversal cujos dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário online para intersexos e interessados de uma rede social-virtual. Oito intersexos participaram da pesquisa e as informações obtidas foram organizadas a partir de uma análise de conteúdo temática em quatro categorias: a) violação de direitos sobre a autodeterminação de sexo-gênero; b) tentativas de invisibilização da experiência de intersexos; c) despreparo da equipe de saúde de referência; e d) centralidade dos ativismos intersexos. Os resultados destacam que: as cirurgias são realizadas sem o consentimento dos intersexos e impactam sua subjetividade e relações sociais; há a reprodução de expectativas pelo intersexo, sua família e pelos profissionais da saúde em torno dos binarismos de sexo-gênero; há a necessidade dos ativismos políticos responderem às demandas dessa população. As constituições de sexo e de gênero ilustradas pelas cirurgias de designação sexual são produtos culturais pautados num sistema normativo binário e cisheterossexual que reproduz e perpetua discriminações, estigmas e violências. Assim, é papel da Psicologia contribuir para a compreensão dessa temática e para a incrementação de políticas públicas na saúde, educação e em assistência social para essa população.(AU)

Intersexuality is still considered a pathological deformity, requiring corrective surgical interventions to fit intersex persons into socially determined binary patterns of sex, gender, and sexual orientation. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the meanings attributed to surgical interventions for sex reassignment and their consequences according to intersex persons who underwent or not the procedure. This qualitative cross-sectional survey was conducted with data collected by means of an online questionnaire for intersex and interested people, made available in a social network. Eight intersexes participated in the survey. The collected data underwent thematic content analysis and were organized into four categories: a) violations to sex/gender self-determination rights; b) attempts to invisibilize the experiences of intersex persons; c) unpreparedness of healthcare team; and d) intersexes activism. The results highlight the performance of these surgeries without intersex persons' consent, as well as their impacts on subjectivity and social relations; the reproduction of expectations around sex/gender binarism on the part of these individuals themselves, their families, and health professionals; and the need for political activism to respond to their demands. The constitutions of sex and gender illustrated by sexual designation surgeries are cultural products based on a binary and cishetero-normative system that reproduces discrimination, stigma, and violence. In this scenario, Psychology plays a key role in contributing to the understanding of this issue, advancing public policies aimed at promoting health, education, and social assistance to this population.(AU)

La intersexualidad todavía se considera como una deformación patológica, así como está sujeta a intervenciones quirúrgicas correctivas que tienen por objeto encajar a los individuos intersexuales en los patrones binarios de sexo, género y orientación sexual. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los significados que tienen para los intersexuales las intervenciones quirúrgicas de reasignación sexual y sus consecuencias, incluso para aquellos que no las habían realizado. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, transversal, realizada por medio de un cuestionario destinado a un grupo de intersexuales e interesados en una red social en internet. Ocho intersexuales participaron, y los dados se organizaron a partir del análisis de contenido temático en categorías: a) violación de los derechos sobre la autodeterminación de sexo-género; b) intentos de hacer invisible la experiencia intersexual; c) falta de preparación del equipo sanitario; y d) centralidad del activismo intersexual. Los principales resultados apuntaron la realización de estas cirugías sin el consentimiento de los intersexuales y que estas tienen repercusiones negativas en la subjetividad y las relaciones sociales de ellos; la reproducción de las expectativas personales, familiares y de los profesionales de la salud en torno a los binarismos de género; la necesidad de un activismo colectivo para responder a las demandas de esta población. Las constituciones de sexo y género ilustradas por las cirugías de reasignación sexual de intersexuales son productos culturales con base en un sistema normativo binario y cisheterosexual que reproduce discriminación, estigmas y violencia. Es el papel de la Psicología contribuir a la comprensión de esta cuestión para animar las políticas públicas de salud, educación y asistencia social a esta población.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Sexuality , Sex Reassignment Surgery , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Gender Identity , Intersex Persons , Social Support , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Congenital Abnormalities , Sex Characteristics , Gender Binarism , Genitalia , Health Policy
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54: e0772-2020, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155577


Abstract Leishmaniasis is a tropical infectious disease caused by Leishmania spp. protozoa and is transmitted by insects from the Phlebotominae subfamily. It can manifest as cutaneous leishmaniasis, a painless ulcer that can develop into a more serious systemic affliction as the protozoa spreads lymphatically or hematogenously, depending on the host's immunity. In this case series, the authors present a rare form of genital mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, with consideration of epidemiologic characteristics, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, and treatments offered.

Animals , Leishmaniasis, Mucocutaneous/diagnosis , Leishmaniasis, Cutaneous/diagnosis , Leishmania , Ulcer , Diagnosis, Differential , Genitalia